1. I think the thesis this comic book cover was trying to accomplish was that the Americans had a far better military than the Japanese did and that Americas was winning the war.
2. This cover is trying to show that America was winning the war in the Pacific against the Japanese. The American soldier is much stronger than any of the Japanese soldiers. American soldiers are rushing across the bridge as if they are winning the battle and about to annihilate the Japanese army. Also an American plane shot down a Japanese plane. The battle was taking place on an island in the Pacific with all of the trees, so it must have been a battle later in the war. So clearly the artist is saying that the American army is far better than the Japanese army and that the American’s will win the war easily.
3. As is mostly the case with the media during wars, I don’t think the impression that this cover was making was the correct one. The drawer is pretty much saying that the American army was stronger and much better than the Japanese army. I learned in my history classes that this was not the case. In no way did the American army dominate the Pacific side of World War II. In fact I think the whole war was only slightly won by the American army. If the United States would not have been blessed to invent the atomic bomb, the war would have took much longer to finish off. There were a ton of American casualties in the Pacific Theater during World War II and if the Atomic bomb had not been used, they probably would have been doubled by the time the U.S. army would have reached Japan. So the artist’s representation of total American dominance in the war I feel was blatantly off.
Another part of the cover that I would like to analyze, is the misinterpretation of the actual looks of the Japanese soldiers. Once again here, the artist is blatantly off. He makes the Japanese soldiers look like monkeys who are trying to eat the American soldiers. They all have their mouths wide open like they may try to bite the American solder. I think the reason their mouths are open is because they are getting hit by bullets, but to me they look like they may try to bite the American before their deaths. The also look like monkey as their mouths bulge out of their face. The author is trying to make them look like blood thirsty savages. Now I know combat can be extremely ferocious, but I think the artist just paints the wrong picture here.
4. Clearly this time in our nation was a time of extreme hate toward people of Asian nationality and this is truly shown in this cover. I guess I was just stunned at how the author made the Japanese solders look like savage monkeys. The drawer made the Japanese soldiers look much meaner than they actually looked. The artists hate against Asian culture clearly comes out in this comic. But since the war was such a terrible time for our nation, I guess this cover looked pretty much how I expected it too look. Clearly an American artist isn’t going to make the Japanese army look superior and nice.
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